Onko matkablogi luotettava tulolähde?

Näyttää siltä, ​​että huolimatta monista aiheesta koskevista artikkeleistamme on edelleen kysymys käsitteestä, että matkablogit voivat todella olla luotettava, tasainen tulolähde.

Tässä artikkelissa aion hajottaa erilaiset tulovirrat ja näyttää sinulle tarkalleen, kuinka tuemme matkustavan elämäntapaamme (ja säästämme ylimääräistä rahaa) tulojen kanssa, jotka tulevat tästä blogista.

Aina kun meitä haastatellaan tai säveltää uramme muilla verkkosivustoilla (kuten Forbes, riippumaton ja yrityssisäpiiriläinen), kommentit koskevat yleensä totuutta, että ”matkablogit eivät ole uravalinta”.

Olemme täällä todeta, että se on! Se on erinomainen uravaihtoehto sekä sellainen, joka on osoittautunut melko tuottoisaksi meille ja monille muille.

Usko meidät! Matkabloggaaminen on paras uran siirto, jonka olemme koskaan tehneet, samoin kuin on olemassa lukuisia lukemattomia ihmisiä, jotka ansaitsevat rahaa bloggaamisesta. Meillä on helppo, vaiheittainen opas tarkalleen kuinka aloittaa matkablogi tänään. Älä missaa sitä!

Haastatteleminen New Yorkin osavaltiossa Mashable / Cathay Pacific -kampanjan aikana

Olemme aina erittäin läpinäkyviä palkkojemme suhteen ja se ei ole koskaan kersannut (olimme avoimia, kun emme myöskään ansaitse rahaa!). Se osoittaa muille, että tietokoneeltasi työskenteleminen ja kokopäiväinen maailma on ehdottomasti mahdollista niille, joilla on innostusta, ja pyrkimys tehdä niin.

Uskon rohkaisuna aloittaa matka paikkakunnalle riippumattomaan elämäntapaan.


Tällä hetkellä meillä on laaja valikoima ansaintavirtoja, samoin kuin puolet ansiostamme ei ole tehty suoraan tien blogista, ne ovat kaikki keinoja, jotka ovat haarautuneet blogiuramme vuosien varrella – aivan kuten puuseppä Kuka työskentelee rakennusyrityksessä, mutta myös tekee huonekaluja ja täydentää hyviä ystäviensä lattialaudat sivulla.

“Et ansaitse paljon rahaa blogistasi (voit kuitenkin vaatia erittäin suuria verkkoliikenteen numeroita) blogin jälkeen.” – Caz of Ytravelblog.com

Blogi – Tällä hetkellä noin 50% kuukausittaisista tuloistamme tulee suoraan markkinoinnista ja tytäryhtiömyynnistä blogissamme. Vierailijamme eivät näe suurta osaa tästä markkinoinnista, koska menetelmästämme olemme jäsennettyjä sivuillemme, mutta se on saatavana lahjojen tyypissä, linkkeissä, bannerimainoksissa ja tytäryhtiömyynnissä.

Nämä ansiot vaihtelevat kuukaudesta toiseen, mutta se on kuitenkin erittäin luotettava ja kasvaa ajan myötä.

Sosiaalisen median mainonta – Noin 10% kuukausittaisista tuloistamme tulee sosiaalisen verkoston mainontatyöstämme. Tämä on meille uusi tulovirta sekä hiukan enemmän käteviä kuin muut ansaintamenetelmät.

Pohjimmiltaan otamme haltuunsa yrityksen blogin ja sosiaalisen verkoston tilit ja autamme heitä kasvattamaan Internetissä. Maksamme kuukausittaisen maksun tästä palvelusta, joten se on erittäin luotettava raha ja auttaa meitä varmistamaan rahan perusvirran joka kuukausi.

Freelance -säveltäminen – erittäin tasainen ja luotettava tulolähde, freelance -säveltäminen on 40% kuukausipalkastamme. Freelance -säveltämisemme on täysin linkitetty blogiimme, koska olemme laskeutuneet nämä tehtävät hyödyntämällä blogiamme säveltämisportfoliona, samoin kuin linkittämme blogiin jokaisesta artikkelista, jonka säveltämme muilla sivustoilla.

Säveltämme tällä hetkellä Smart Leipä, Kanadan matkustajalehti, Travel Pulse sekä Credithistory Walk kokonaismäärä 21 artikkelia kuukaudessa. Nämä artikkelit maksavat 75 dollaria sekä 200 dollaria.

Taatut ansiomme

Tietysti, kuten kaikenlaiset yrittäjät ja yrityksen omistaja, mikään tuloksestamme ei ole 100% taattu (asiakkaat saattavat vähentyä, verkkosivustot saattavat poistua liiketoiminnasta jne.). Olemme kuitenkin onnekkaita, että meillä on tasainen freelance -työ, joka varmistaa, että meillä on mukava peruspalkka kuukausittain.

Freelance -säveltämisen ja sosiaalisen verkoston mainontatyömme välillä ansaitsemme vähintään 2500 dollaria kuukaudessa. Tämä on enemmän kuin riittävä verkossa ulkomailla. Tämä raha on kuin palkka, koska se maksetaan heti tileillemme kunkin kuukauden lopussa.

Päivitys 2016: Perustuotomme ovat nyt yli 5000 dollaria. Blogi ja muut siitä tulevat tulovirrat tekevät nyt 10 000 dollaria kuukaudessa veron jälkeen.

Kanadassa tämä määrä olisi tuskin kattanut asuntolainamme, kulut ja autos and truck insurance, however when we online in locations like Mexico as well as Guatemala, or home sit in Grenada, it’s difficult for us to spend more than $1,500 on all of our expenses!

That monthly figure includes going out often, drinking wine, eating fine cheeses, as well as living a quite extravagant lifestyle. As bloggers, we are in no method “scraping by” or “living by penny-wise means”. We don’t have to!

Living abroad can be a extremely low-cost when compared to life in western countries as well as this is part of the reason we are able to save so much money each month. When I resided in Canada, we couldn’t envision we’d ever be able to save more than half our wages as we do now. Canada is as well expensive!

Our other Earnings

Our earnings from affiliate sales as well as website marketing are far less stable, however they tend to be around $3,000 each month. We make some with direct marketing as well as banner placement, as well as some with affiliate sales.

World Nomads travel insurance coverage is our finest affiliate as well as we commonly make over $500 / month from insurance coverage sales made with our blog. other top affiliates include My Tefl as well as trusted home Sitters.

We likewise recruit instructors for a institution in China, sometimes compose for newspapers, work on campaigns for big brands as well as do some other, random, one-off type jobs.


In total, we typical around $5,000 USD (after tax) from our travel blog as well as other earnings sources. While it does vary from month to month depending upon affiliates, one-off freelance articles as well as advertising, for the fourth quarter of 2015, it was never below the $5,000 mark.

UPDATE 2016: The blog now hovers around $10,000 USD / month after tax.

We are not the only blog writers making this type of money either! In fact, a few of the top blog writers that we look as much as (like YTravelBlog.com) make over $100K / year from their website.

One of my favourite blog writers is Pat Flynn of SmartPassiveIncome.com as well as he makes more than $100K / month! That’s right, more than $1.2 million / year from his outstanding blog which is all about entrepreneurship as well as the journey towards making money online.

Some mom blogs make more than $5K / month, while there are tech blogs available (like tech Crunch) that make over $10K / day from their websites.

Free Travel

One of the major advantages about being a travel blog writer is free travel. when you’ve developed up a solid following, you’ll be able to assist business link with your travel-loving audience as well as in return, they will offer you free travel, products or services.

We haven’t paid for a hotel room, diving dive, or tour in a extremely long time. In exchange for promoting business as well as brands on our website as well as social network channels, we are commonly offered free flights, rooms, tours, products as well as travel.

It’s much better to believe of this as “working for travel”, rather than “free travel”, as a great deal of time, energy as well as care is put into advertising promotions. We ensure that the business sees a return on their investment, as well as they ensure that we are comfortable as well as happy with their service. It’s a win-win.

You can likewise couple your blog earnings with home sitting, to cut out lodging costs while on the road. stay in a high-end villa on the beach for 4 months… for free! Click right here to discover more about exactly how home sitting can modification your life.

Tuntien työ

This is where blogging can be extremely lucrative since you really don’t have to put in a great deal of time. There are numerous bloggers available who spend many hours every day on their blogs…which, in our opinion, isn’t necessary.

Some blog writers take on enormous workloads, as well as therefore requirement to put in more hours to total the numerous projects. Of course, many of the top blog writers have numerous opportunities, meaning that the more they work, the more money they earn.

But in general, you can make great money from your blog while only working 3 – 4 hours / day, 5 days / week. It’s all about a work-life balance.

I strongly believe that if you develop a passive earnings blog design as well as work efficiently, you can quickly make the exact same amount of money, while working half the time.

After 3 – 4 hours of work, this is exactly how the rest of our days are normally spent

Currently, Dariece as well as I put an absolute maximum of 20 hours / week into our blog. If you take our wage as well as divide it by the hours we’re really on the computer, it works out to around $31 / hour after tax (each). That’s quite awesome!

When I worked in Canada, I made less than that hourly wage (even before tax). Sure, my pay cheque was “guaranteed” while I had a job, however in reality, exactly how guaranteed was my job?

Is blogging Reliable?

As far as I’m concerned, no task in the world is trustworthy right now. provided the present worldwide economic climate as well as the rising rate of unemployment, I believe that everybody should attempt to make money in different ways, if only just to have a security web as well as something to autumn back on.

The Web provides tasks that were never there before. You just have to understand where to start… as well as go for it.

Online earnings is more trustworthy than a typical 9-5 task since of the nature of an on the internet business. If you continue to put time into your website (even just 4 hours / day), your business will naturally grow, more people will checked out your work as well as your blog will expand.

Google will begin to provide your website more credibility and your numbers will begin to rise. slowly at first. then quicker as well as faster. as well as when your numbers are up, brands as well as business will begin approaching you to work on different advertising campaigns in exchange for travel. When you’ve developed a market leading blog, they’ll even pay you a income on top of the travel!

We don’t compose about travel blogging as well as travelling the world since we believe we’ve somehow made a living where others couldn’t. This career option is offered for everyone, even those who have no website experience. We didn’t even understand what WordPress was when we started.

Meeting Up With other blog writers in upstate new York.

You don’t have to be a travel blog writer to make money either. blog about what you love, as well as what you know. If you put in the effort as well as spend a year or two building your website, then you will ended up being successful as well as you will be able to make a living from it.

As we composed in The total development Of Our Blog, we didn’t make any type of money from Goats On The road for over a year, as well as it wasn’t up until two years had passed that our blog completely supported our travelling lifestyle.

It will take great deals of commitment as well as like at first, however what business doesn’t? the very best part of a travel blog is that you’re experiencing the world as your business grows.

We’re right here to tell you that travel blogging is an incredible task as well as it can offer a trustworthy earnings stream for anyone who puts in the time as well as composes about what they’re knowledgeable as well as passionate about.

Right now I’m putting together a free step-by-step guide to starting a blog from scratch as well as turning it into a money-making machine. pysy kanavalla!

For more about blogging as well as as a career, click here.

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Disclaimer:Goats On The road is an Amazon partner as well as likewise an affiliate for some other retailers. This means we make commissions if you click links on our blog as well as purchase from those retailers.

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